Coming Soon! A New Book Release: Sayings From The Teton Mountains!
In August of 2006 Mr. Zehnder’s Church called him to a 40-day prayer fast vigil.
He traveled to Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. There an astounding thing happened – he began writing sayings.
In the first two weeks he wrote 800 sayings. In the next two weeks he wrote 1,200 more. In the next ten days he wrote 1,000 more. In the next two days he wrote 1,000 more or a total of 4,000 sayings in 40 days.
That’s quite an accomplishment. Yet even more remarkable is the fact that no two sayings are alike.
Mr. Zehnder then went on to write 1,000 more a month. Mr. Zehnder calls this “Reaching language fusion” explaining that, “Creative language fusion happens when you keep getting more out, than you put in.” To date Mr. Zehnder’s personal library of sayings consists of over 12,000 sayings.
That’s a lot of sayings!
Mr. Zehnder says, “What is going to be possible for willing people to do in reality is going to hugely increase.” He says, “If you read a few, you will be entertained; but if you keep reading, you’ll put yourself on the path to much greater things in life.”
He says, “He met the Spirit of God there in those mountains.”
But on the other hand, it is of scientific note, and literary note: Just to give you a comparison, only three people have written 4,000 sayings in their lifetime – Solomon, Shakespeare, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.